The joy of swimming in the ocean is a great treasure. From warm rays to sun-kissed sand to the gentle lap of the shore-breaking waves, it could be said that the beaches of East Hampton, New York are some of the most beautiful in the world. Getting parking to partake in them, however, can be difficult to do.

In spots beloved by locals, surfers, and even celebrities, parking is a commodity that one has to fight for. In 2024 alone, 1,500 of the total 3,100 parking passes had to be purchased in person. This annual ritual to obtain the luxury four-month pass has been described by many as being a high-stress event. The perception is that everyone involved is either at the mercy of their internet connections, the parking website’s stability, or even sheer luck.

But why would so many people sacrifice a day to this overwhelming process? What drives people, especially people who’ve driven from so far away, to purchase these coveted parking passes? 

For many seeking tickets, it is born out of childhood nostalgia. For others, it is a chance to create memories with their families. Most applying for these passes do not see the high price point as a deterrent. Beachgoers begin lining up in January to purchase the passes and will resort to almost anything to acquire the $500 to $750 pass. 

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Though the recently implemented in-person process was intended to improve upon previous years. Applicants would send a check and a self-addressed envelope and then wait with bated breath until a sticker was returned to their mailbox. The process for many had become somewhat frustrating, and at times even chaotic.

A village employee named Carrie Doyle described people attempting to beat the system. She says they would claim everything from their dog being sick to their child contracting pink eye to people stating they were only in town briefly. 

Others even used their work schedules as rabis and lawyers to try and game the one-ticket-per-person rule system. Doyle even claimed a billionaire sent a member of his staff to secure passes for each of his six cars. She then watched as a young man bought one pass and then returned to the line to get another timed ticket.

After hearing this, one could assume that the East Hampton beaches are worth the hassle. Described as “the ultimate beach destination,” the Main Beach in East Hampton is stunning. Featuring crystal-clear waters, soft sands, and breathtaking scenery, the beach offers a variety of activities, including traditional swimming and sunbathing, beach volleyball, and even surf lessons. 

Those seeking parking passes should be aware that no swimming is allowed when lifeguards are not on duty, and that between May 15th and September 15th, dogs and other animals are not allowed on the beach.

Though some may question their popularity, many would say that visiting the beaches at East Hampton can be a magical experience, creating lasting and treasured memories. So for many, despite the dramatic parking pass situation, the wait is worth a few stressful hours.