An East Hampton entrepreneur recently made headlines by striking a significant deal on the popular television show Shark Tank. Mella Pet Care, headquartered in Chicago, secured a substantial investment from renowned billionaire investor Mark Cuban. Specializing in providing health monitoring solutions for both veterinarians and pet owners, Mella Pet Care offers inventive products, including an “underarm” thermometer designed specifically for pets.

Cuban expressed his excitement about partnering with Mella Pet Care and endorsing their mission to enhance the well-being of pets and their owners. He praised the company’s innovative product line, which he believes caters perfectly to the evolving needs of today’s pet-centric society. He emphasized their joint objective of revolutionizing the pet care industry and introducing solutions that empower pet owners and contribute to the happiness of their cherished pets.

Anya Babbitt, Mella Pet Care’s CEO, brings a wealth of entrepreneurial experience to the table. Before establishing Mella in 2019, Babbitt led Splitting Fares, a ridesharing platform acquired by Bosch. Additionally, she has served as a marketing advisor to various luxury brands. Babbitt’s inspiration for founding Mella stemmed from a personal experience with her rescue dog, Mella, whose health condition made her aware of the necessity for better diagnostic tools in pet care.

With Cuban’s generous investment of $250,000, Mella Pet Care aims to allocate capital toward fulfilling new purchase orders, enhancing existing products, and expanding its offerings. Reflecting on the significance of the Shark Tank deal, Babbitt conveyed her gratitude for Cuban’s expertise, vision, and passion for both pets and innovation. She highlighted the positive impact Cuban’s support will have on Mella’s growth trajectory, enabling them to reach a broader customer base and transform the pet care space. 

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In exchange for his investment, Cuban secured a 2.5% equity share in Mella Pet Care, valuing the company at $10 million. The company’s flagship product, the Melo thermometer, along with other offerings, has already gained significant traction, being utilized at over 1,300 clinics across 15 countries. In addition to product innovation, Cuban’s investment opens doors to strategic partnerships and collaborations to further enhance Mella Pet Care’s reach and impact. By aligning with key players in the industry, the company can amplify its marketing efforts and establish a strong foothold in domestic and international markets.

Beyond the financial benefits, the Shark Tank deal represents a milestone moment for Mella Pet Care and its founders. It validates their hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit, reaffirming their ability to make a positive impact on the lives of pets and their owners. With the support of Mark Cuban and a growing community of supporters, Mella Pet Care is poised for an exciting journey of growth, innovation, and success.

The partnership between Mella Pet Care and Mark Cuban ultimately exemplifies entrepreneurship and the power to enhance the lives of humans and their beloved furry companions through collaboration. Charting a course toward a future where pet care is more accessible, efficient, and compassionate, Mella Pet Care continues to expand with passion and ingenuity. A true business success story, the company remains driven to make a meaningful difference in the world.