NYC Second Chance Rescue is hosting a concert in East Hampton to honor Alexa Ray Joel on August 9th. Their organization is committed to delivering life-saving care to large-breed dogs and other animals in need and is glad for this chance to raise awareness about animal rescues while honoring Alexa Ray Joel, who has worked hard to advocate for shelter adoptions. 

The Concert for a Cause

They call it the Concert for a Cause, an event that will be hosted by Brandon Colon, including a live performance by Fat Joe, live music by DJ Dimatteo, and decor by Lawerence Scott Events. All proceeds from the event will go toward supporting the organization’s mission, creating a better life for animals by preventing unnecessary suffering. 

Alexa’s Adoption Journey

Living alone in the city at 23, singer-songwriter Alexa Ray Joel wanted to get a cat. Though they have dogs now, her parents were cat people before, and it just felt right for Alexa to adopt. She went to the ASPCA in New York City looking for the perfect Calico cat she had in mind, knowing they were particularly intelligent and kind. Tucked away in a cage, she found Stella. “‘This is the one,’” she said. “You know when you know.”

For Alexa, it was important to adopt. Her parents always adopted their cats, and their example inspired her to do the same. When she got Stella, she saw how rewarding it was to adopt an animal in need and for pets and humans to love one another. Alexa often posts on her Instagram and other social media, advocating for the importance of adopting from shelters and sharing pictures of Stella as proof. As she says, “Once you have a shelter animal, your life is never the same.”

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Alexa and NYC Second Chance Rescue

NYC Second Chance Rescue was touched by Alexa’s adoption story and impressed by her choice to advocate for shelters on her social media platform. They reached out to her, and she was impressed with their organization. “Their work is so important,” Alexa said, “When you think about the fact that they’ve saved over 15,000 lives since they started doing this work in 2009, I admire them, and I’m happy to do whatever I can to help spread the word.”

How NYC Second Chance Rescue Makes a Difference

During their work, NYC Second Chance Rescue has helped animals in desperate need, including strays, puppies, animals affected by chemical burns, animal gunshot victims, and even a puppy found in a ditch. Among these rescues was Dino the cat, taken in after the Fourth of July after someone had attached fireworks to his back, resulting in severe burns. The abuse these animals have suffered is only a few examples of how the foundation acts to improve animals’ lives.

Nine out of ten animals that come to NYC Second Chance Rescue were scheduled to be euthanized at a previous municipal shelter. The organization offers free food alongside medical assistance for families struggling to prevent pet surrender during financial difficulty. They offer safe havens for pets through fostering and comprehensive medical care.

Honor and Inspiration

As an artist and an advocate, Alexa is honored to have been recognized by NYC Second Chance Rescue with this Concert for a Cause and hopes this event will inspire people to get out there and adopt. Donations to support this event are ultimately about saving lives and giving animals a second chance at happy lives.

An Event to End Animal Suffering

Alexa’s message about what it means to have a happy, loving creature in anyone’s life and NYC Second Chance Rescue’s unwavering commitment to creating better lives for animals and ending suffering has coalesced in what will be a night to remember.